Structural Technology,
Premier Safety and Inspection Program provide a comprehensive program that meet current NFPA, ANSI, ASME, ALI and OSHA
STI was established in 1992 with a
strong technical background of experience in all phases of Nondestructive (NDT)
Testing. STI has over ninety (90) years of combined experience in nondestructive
Structural Technology, Inc. has developed an reputation of
excellence in the inspection of Fire Service, Utility and Fleet Maintenace
We also can create custom inspection programs to meet your specialized
inspection needs.
"Structural Technology, Inc. is dedicated to provide SERVICE and INTEGRITY to
Our technicians are qualified under ASNT SNT-TC-1A and CP-189
guidelines for nondestructive testing and are trained to perform
professional services safely and efficiently in any work environment.
technicians are continuously educated in any new additions and standards
initiated by the various agencies and are supported by Level III
Our personnel were in
instrumental in the development of Acoustic Emission testing of Aerial Manlift equipment, the origination and writing of
ANSI A92.2 standards and the ASTM 914 guidelines.